How to Steam and Iron a Cloth Hat

How to Steam and Iron a Cloth Hat

How to Steam and Iron a Cloth Hat to Bring it Back to Shape

In this video, we’re going to show you how to bring your hat back to its original, new condition. In the Conner Hat cloth selection, we’ve got quite a few materials. This is organic cotton, and this is a synthetic hat made from recycled plastic bottles. So there are two different techniques to approach these hats. I’ve intentionally selected some hats here that are a little bit wrinkled and a little bit beaten-up looking. You might be wondering, can you iron a hat made from such materials? The answer is yes, and we’ll show you how.


First thing I’m going to show you is how to flatten out and smooth out the brim. We’re going to talk about the brim first and then we’re going to talk about the crown. So first, the brim. To make the brim nice and flat and smooth, you can see there are a couple of wrinkles here. We’re going to take a cloth or a t-shirt, whatever you like. You always want to protect the hat from the iron, so you take your cloth like this and take your iron and iron all along the outside of the hat. This is how to iron a hat without damaging it. Make sure you don’t touch any material of the hat. You always want this nice barrier here.


So if you do that long enough you’re going to get a nice perfect, flat brim. After that, you can take it, it will be nice and flat, nice and warm and you can just, give it a little down the front and down the back if you like, the Aussie way. Or you can leave it more flat, whatever you like and that’s how you take care of a brim. Same over here with this, especially being a synthetic material, you definitely don’t want to get the iron on this because it will melt it. This method is an excellent way on how to get wrinkles out of a hat made from synthetic materials.


You take your cloth over the top of it, iron all the way around and you’re going to flatten that out. It’s going to be really nice and back to new. Now, I’m going to show you how to steam your cloth hat. Almost everybody has a tea-kettle in their home, so all you need is to get the tea kettle going. Then have a nice cup of tea after you’ve done this as well. In the meantime, you’ve probably found that your favorite hat’s been sat on and a little bit crushed. You can see there are a few wrinkles here on this hat. What we’re going to do is we’re going to steam that up then we’re going to soften it. This is how you steam a hat with an iron and kettle.


So you want to fill up that whole crown with nice hot steam. I can feel my fingers starting to get really warm right now, but don’t burn them. So you want to bring it off and back on. Sometimes, you want to flip it over so you can get the outside of the crown as well to soften that up. Do this back and forth a few times, and then you can take the hat and you can rub your fingers in there. This method is also great on how to get a crease out of a hat effectively.


Once you do that a little bit, you can take all those wrinkles that you had in there and reshape it. Do that a few more times, and you are going to make this hat look good as new. This is a simple technique on how to unwrinkle a hat and restore its shape.

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