I have never loved how hats look on my large head, but this one is cute enough and very practical. I had two trips planned that really put the "crushable" attribute to the test, and, unfortunately the hat did not come out unscathed. The first trip involved packing the hat in a duffle back for two flights, and near continuous use for hiking (including through canyons narrower than the hat). I wasn't sure whether it would be better to crush the hat into a flat circle, or use the "taco fold" and try to protect it. I opted for taco fold. It started to get some funny kinks in the brim. The second trip was five days of camping on the river. Three of those days, I needed to wear a helmet and pack the hat away in my waterproof duffle. The hat continued to get more kinks in the brim, and eventually I discovered that there is a plastic piece in the next to last row of the weaving, which broke and started poking out in one spot. I am a little bit crafty, so, unless Conner wants to fix it, I plan to find some light wire and either try to run the wire through the same channel as the plastic, or decoratively weave it around that row of raffia.
Oh no! The 'taco fold'. Our hat care page explains the difference between packable and crushable. I'm pasting it here for quick reference.
'The Difference Between Crushable and Packable
To find out if your hat is packable or crushable please refer to the product page.
Many of our cloth hats are packable, this means you could roll it up and put it in a bag and it will look fine after travel. We use the term “Crushable” for hats made from materials that can be accidentally crushed but not meant to be packed away for any amount of time. To travel with a crushable hat in a suitcase for example, you need to stuff the crown with t shirts and make sure the brim sits flat.
If your hat gets out of shape there are quite a few techniques to possibly fix it.'
You can find the above text when you peruse our hat care page
It's in this link that you can find some easy maintenance tips. One of them would be using a steam iron to flatten out the kinks for your hat but seeing as the wire has snapped, it's a bit late for that advice. Unfortunately we're unable to fix hats with issues as yours.
Love this hat! Exactly what I wanted.
I love Conner hats I’m going to order one for my mom. I previously had one with a black bow, which I LOVED. It went with me everywhere until I packed it wrong and snapped the wire in the brim. I ordered this one (as the other one sold out or they don’t make it anymore), and I love this hat, too!!
I ordered this hat last summer as I did like the way it looked but it was way too big for my head and it was not adjustable.So one size does not fit all.I need to give it away because it was more of a man.'s size really fit my husband's head. So I was very disappointed in it. Peoples heads aren't one size fits all.
Bought for our trip to Hawaii. Best choice, hands down, for a hat. Covered my face perfectly. Extremely flattering on.