
How to Clean a Hat Without Ruining It
Everything you need to clean your hat is probably already around your house. If not, a quick trip to the local hardware or grocery store will do the trick. Most of the cloth hats in the conner hat range are made from either an organic cotton, a recycled synthetic material, or hemp.
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How to Clean a Felt Hat
Hi everybody, this is Will from Conner Hats. Today, I’m going to show you how to
clean a wool felt hat. Everything you need to clean your hat is probably already around your house. If not, a quick trip to the local hardware or grocery store will do the trick.
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How to Reshape a Straw Hat
In this video, we’re going to show you how to bring your hat back to its original, new condition. The next material I’m going to show you how to revamp is straw. So I’ve intentionally chosen some really beaten up straw hats here. This particular one on top is a Western Shapeable straw hat. Inside the brim, there’s a wire so you can really shape the wire to get it back to the classic taco roll if you want to shape a western hat.
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Guide: Shape and Stretch an Outback Leather Hat
In this video, we’re going to show you how to bring your hat back to its original, new condition. The next material we’re going to talk about revamping is the leather hat. Potentially quite a few things can happen to your leather hat, and I’m going to attempt to fix or show you how to fix those problems. Number one, you possibly don’t like the shape of the hat. Maybe this particular hat is too flat.
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How to Steam and Iron a Cloth Hat
In this video, we’re going to show you how to bring your hat back to its original, new condition. In the Conner Hat cloth selection, we’ve got quite a few materials. This is organic cotton, and this is a synthetic hat made from recycled plastic bottles. So there are two different techniques to approach these hats. I’ve intentionally selected some hats here that are a little bit wrinkled and a little bit beaten-up looking.
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