If you have ever dreamed of an exotic location with friendly people, yummy food, great surf and tropical beaches, Sri Lanka could be the place for you.
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Many of you Conner hat lovers purchase our hats with a specific trip or adventure in mind. We build Conner hats for travel and love that they get to be there with you on your journey.
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I really enjoy being a part of our hat photoshoots and it’s fun to watch the photographers and everyone involved on the production side do their thing. Our photographer for this shoot was Carly Brown ...
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We hope everyone had a safe and fun Independence Day!
The holiday has reminded me to share with you our small – but growing! – selection of hats that are made right here in the USA (and a video from our recent trip to our friends’ factory who make these hats for us).
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The holiday has reminded me to share with you our small – but growing! – selection of hats that are made right here in the USA (and a video from our recent trip to our friends’ factory who make these hats for us).
There are many colorful characters living in Byron Bay, my original hometown and home of the Bill Conner (BC) Hat factory. One of my favorites is Banana Craig.....
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