Hi everybody, this is Will from Conner Hats. Today, I’m going to show you how to clean a straw hat. Everything you need to clean your hat is probably already around your house. If not, a quick trip to the local hardware or grocery store will do the trick. The Conner Hat range of straw hats, we have quite a few different materials. We have raffia straw, and this is a toyo, which is a paper straw.
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With a lucky hat, there is nothing you can't do! If you decide to go for a leisurely stroll on the beach for example, chances are you will end up catching a fish (with someone else's fishing gear) and meeting the girl of your dreams. Thant's just by 10 am, you have your whole day ahead of you. Enjoy!
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If you live in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina or South Carolina the moon will pass in front of the sun for approximately two minutes and forty seconds causing darkness.
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I met Myles over twenty five years ago in St Augustine, Florida. I had recently arrived there from Australia and back then, if you traveled anywhere in the world, you would meet most surfers in the area quite quickly.
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Lau Tau stated, “The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step”. There is nothing I could say to capture what this group of guys must have endured walking 11,200 miles, for seven years, from France to Australia.
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